What is the National Insurance number? Why it is so important for you?

National Insurance Number

National Insurance number ensures that the taxes you pay are properly recorded on your HMRC record.

So, if you have just come to UK and got your BRP, you need to apply the NINO asap. As of now it is taking more than 6 months to get it because of Covid-19.

It is not a right to work document in the UK, but its necessary to start a job in the UK.


How can I apply for National Insurance number?

If you are applying a NINO from England, Scotland or Wales you should telephone the Jobcentre Plus NINO Service. There are available from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

If you are in Northern Ireland, You can start the process through their website.

Can I work without NINO?

The answer is YES and NO. From my experience, I have worked without National Insurance number and with NINO.

There are some employers who can allow you to work without NINO. But there are many companies who will not allow you to work without National Insurance Number.

Earlier they provide Temporary NI till you get your permanent National Insurance number but now they are not permitted.

What is National Insurance Interview?

Before Covid-19, the Jobcenter Plus use to conduct one to one interview to issue the NI number. But due to restrictions its not possible to conduct interviews for so many international students and dependents.

But they have started conducting interviews to verify the documents such as passport, residential permit, marriage certificate and birth certificate etc.

They are not conducting interviews for everyone as they have a backlog because of Covid-19.

Is there any fast-track service to get NI Number?

Please be aware as there are thousands of websites selling the services for fast track appointments but there is no such thing. Every company use the same process for booking appointment.

So, if any company telling you that they can arrange to book a quicker appointment for you is a BIG LIE. It is false, please do not be fooled.

So, if you are reading this you will have to apply through Jobcenter Plus NINO Service.


Do I have to pay more tax if I work without NI number?

It completely depends upon the HR department as how they are going to setup the payroll. You might be on Emergency Tax code , you will get to know about this when you will have your Pay slip. Emergency Tax code is higher than normal tax code. But, you can get a rebate by contacting HMRC with your NI. Sometimes you get it in your account automatically if your HR have updated the Tax code.


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