3-Month WordPress Hustle: Your Ticket to an Entry-Level Developer Position!


Namaste, everyone! Today, we’re taking a delightful journey into the vibrant world of WordPress development, Desi style. Buckle up, because we’re turning that passion for websites into skills that’ll help you get an entry level role. Here’s your roadmap:

Step 1: Let's Build the Foundation

📘 HTML/CSS Gyan: The ABCs of web development. Dive into the fascinating universe of web development through the below YouTube video, Trust me. And hey, for some hands-on practice, you can also dive into the free wonders of W3Schools.  it’s a fantastic start! 🚀🎥


YouTube Video: Learn HTML & CSS for Beginners


Now, you might be wondering, “How long does it take to conquer HTML and CSS?” Well, you can expect to gain a solid grasp in about 7 to 10 days of consistent learning and practice. Remember, it’s not about the time; it’s about enjoying the journey.


🧠 JavaScript Ki Jhalak: You don’t need to be a JavaScript guru to dive into the WordPress universe! While understanding the basics is beneficial, you can kickstart your WordPress journey without delving too deep into the JavaScript realm. You can learn the basic from Codeacademy which will be enough to start your career in WordPress. Here is the link : https://www.codecademy.com/enrolled/courses/introduction-to-javascript

Step 2: Getting Cozy with WordPress Installation

Buying Domain: Your domain is your online identity, so choose wisely. I would suggest buy it from Namecheap as they offer a seamless domain buying experience. Pick a name that reflects your vision – a digital extension of your dreams. Click here for detailed guide. The typical price range for a domain falls between £5 to £10 per year.

Choose a Hosting Provider: Now that you have your domain, it’s time to find a home for your website. I recommend going with Namecheap for hosting; they offer an excellent shared hosting plan that’s perfect for your needs, and it comes at an incredibly affordable price of just £1.56 per month. It’s a steal! Click here for shared hosting

Install WordPress on your domain: Installing WordPress on Namecheap is a breeze! You can utilize Softaculous within Namecheap, a tool that automates the WordPress installation process with just a few clicks. For more detailed guidance, check out this helpful resource along with a clarifying YouTube video to make the process even smoother. Happy WordPressing!

Resource link: Namecheap WordPress Installation Guide

YouTube Video: Namecheap WordPress Installation Tutorial

Step 3: Step 4: Say Hello to PHP

🚀 PHP Ka Funda: WordPress talks PHP. Get comfortable with functions, loops, and arrays.

YouTube Video: PHP Basics for WordPress – A Beginners Guide to WordPress PHP

Step 4: Time to Get Hands-On with Themes

🏗️ Simple Websites Banaye: Apply your HTML/CSS and WordPress skills. Make mistakes. Learn. Repeat with the charm of Installing Elementor on WordPress

This is where your journey gets exciting! We’re not just learning, we’re creating.

Step 5: World of WordPress Functions

🏗️ WordPress Functions: The functions.php file behaves like a WordPress plugin, adding features and functionality to a WordPress site. You can use it to call WordPress functions and to define your own functions.

100 most used WordPress functions: List with examples

YouTube Video: WordPress Functions Explained

Step 6: Plugin Power Unleashed

🧩 Plugin Ka Jadu: Learn to create plugins. It’s like giving superpowers to your WordPress site.

Step By Step Guide : Create your first plugin

YouTube Video: Create your first WordPress Plugin

Here, we’re not just coding; we’re adding our Desi flavour to the WordPress world.

Step 7: Show 'Em What You've Got

🖼️ Craft Your Showcase: Create a portfolio website showcasing your WordPress prowess.

Step By Step Guide : Create your portfolio


Step 8: Apply for Your Dream Gig

📬 Resume Makeover: Update your resume, highlighting your skills and killer projects.

🎤 Ready, Set, Interview: Nail those interviews with confidence, talking about your amazing journey.


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